Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 6

The hardest thing I have stumbeled upon in week 6 Is that I have been doing alot of back tracking reading the book and browsing thru the class trying to get up to speed. This is confussing but possible so what I am trying to say is every week has been a challenge for me and trying to play catch up. I will continue to try and push myself harder and harder so I can get to where I need to be. I am just faced with alot of diffuiiculty since all of the work is hard for me to understand.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

week 5

I actually am starting to understand every thing. I know its kida late but hopefully I can get every thing done right and get back on track for the class. The hardest thing for me this week and for the past few weeks is remembering what i read in the text. I think I may do better if I skim thru the book and and work from it while doing the assighnments. I am looking forward to what the next few weeks bring and spending everyday working on getting better at these assighnments.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Favorite cartoon

 Doug, was my favorite cartoon when I was growing up and would still be now if it was on tv. I think the reason I liked it so much was because he was alot like me... costantly day dreaming and was a super hero in his dreams. There were a couple other shows I really liked such as Tale Spin, Dark Wing Duck, Chip n dale Rescue Rangers.But Doug was my favorite.